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Mini-Split REAL COST and Savings – 3 YEAR Performance Review
How Much Will You Save on a DIY Mini Split Install? along with a 3 Year Review! MrCool – Senville – C&H – Pioneer and more
Step-by-Step Guide: Installing DIY Mini Split Dual Zone | Senville | Mr Cool : https://youtu.be/z9elRDw3faM
How to Wire a 120v Disconnect Box for an Air Conditioner: https://youtu.be/jvkcQm6U9JI
Master the DIY: Step-by-Step Installation of 120v Mini Split: https://youtu.be/07SB6aIJfPU
Tube Flaring Techniques for a Mini Split AC: https://youtu.be/EduFmk_7Lg4
The BEST MINI SPLIT Thermostat for Senville MrCool – The CIELO BREEZE Plus: https://youtu.be/J_Q6IQbCGZo
Hey everybody glad you could make it!
I think the most asked question I have received with this channel is on our mini split install video about cost and if it was worth it, if you are not familiar with it.
This is our most popular video to date on the channel right now with almost 600K views about how to install a dual zone mini split a/c heat pump. And the one other thing I found out from a bunch of viewers that did not know these are very good at heating they thought it only blew cold air.
Otherwise it blows hot and cold and after install, this was the only thing we used to heat and cool our home. I will put a link to the video in the description, well I will put all important links in the description if you want to check it all out. So as the title says I am going to tell you about the cost and savings along with a 3 year review on it’s performance.
Back in October 2021 I showed step by step how to install a dual zone Mini Split from Senville but this will work for most any manufactures mini split system such as MrCool, C&H, Pioneer and more.
For those of you that didn’t see that video yet, I installed the Air Handlers in the main bedroom and great room as that’s where we spend the most time. To give a good cost analysis I need to point out that we set it to the temp and then select auto most of the year, but some months we would set it on its scheduler to turn on and shut off at times we set.
You can also use a smart thermostat if you like and I did a video on that too. Before I give you all the numbers, I think it’s very important to give you the rundown on what to expect from these mini splits in your area because they will perform differently in many parts of the world.
Now the performance of this Senville I have to say is on the excellent side for it’s cooling but also on how quiet this is even on full fan.
The a/c I replaced when on high or medium for that fact you could not hear the TV without turning the volume up all the way and even then it was just annoying.
But these mini splits are a dream to use in any room.
Anyways about the temperatures
You ask ,Do mini splits work in cold weather? Yes! But, extreme hot or cold outside temperatures will affect mini split efficiency. If you live in a region that faces more than the odd day or two of extremes, your home should have a secondary heating or cooling source like electric baseboard heaters, a furnace, or a portable air conditioner.
Mini split heat pumps are generally an ideal heating or cooling source year round. However, when it’s extremely hot or cold outside, this will cause a mini split to work a lot harder than normal to maintain indoor temperature. If it’s calling for temperatures below 5°F (-15°C) or above 115°F (46°C), it’s more efficient to use a secondary heating or cooling source.
Ensure Proper Mini Split Size & Placement…
As with any HVAC equipment, proper sizing is imperative. Heating and/or cooling equipment that’s too small will cause the system to overwork. This negatively affects the life of the system and means it may not be able to produce enough warm or cool air.
On the flip side — is it OK to slightly oversize a mini split? Ideally, no. Equipment that’s oversized won’t run efficiently and will likely cause short cycling, poor humidity control, and waste energy (and money).
Asking yourself how big of a mini split AC do I need?
Proper sizing involves measuring the size of the room you’d like to heat or cool and calculating capacity of the mini split needed to handle that area.
here are some general guidelines:
Size of Your Room: Mini Split Capacity

I do recommend contacting the manufacturer and talk directly to them about getting the size and model you need in your area.
Now with that in mind let’s go take a look at the actual numbers over the last few years, so we will jump into my spreadsheet of utility costs and DIY payback.
As we do that I would like to remind you if you are not subscribed please take a moment and do that now, I’m going after that 15K mark, and if you get value from me please consider smashing that like button, you know the thumbs up.
It may be a little thing to you but really helps my channel out. Thanks for that and let’s get to the numbers
So as you can see doing a diy install can save you thousands not only on the purchase and install but save big on the lower utility costs.
If you may not be comfortable with some of the install you can always pay someone for that portion of the job.
I have had viewers do everything but vacuuming of the line sets and hired a licensed HVAC guy and he charged the lines, tested it and signed the warranty certificate for a fraction of the cost.
Same with electrical, if you are not comfortable doing this hire someone who can do it and you will still be ahead of the game.