Log Cabin I Built
We had purchased a 40 acre piece of land up near Williams Arizona for about $28k and thought this is it our dream home. It was a hard build and one I would maybe not take on again because of the Log construction. Check out the build photos here!
Working with Logs you will need a whole new set of tools and drill bits that are 2 foot long. It was definitely an experience building a log home learning how to make jigs not just for the small stuff but to lift heavy logs into place by myself.
As I said I thought this would be our Dream Home to live in forever, although it was a beautiful home it was the location that we could no longer live there because I found I was allergic to some of the trees there and the altitude just made it very hard for me to breath. We sold it and moved to Hawaii for a few years (story on that for another day)
Claw Foot Tub
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